Cllr. Ellen McLeay
BH2023/03236 – Emblem House, Home Farm Business Centre
Objects to the planning application for reasons of overdevelopment, poor design that would adversely affect the conservation area.
There are a great many reasons why I cannot support this planning application, but whilst the presence of L3 Harris in Brighton & Hove City is hugely controversial, I will work to state the reasons that are directly relevant to planning concern.
The extension is in breach of its planning in that they allowed their current temporary planning application to lapse. L3 Harris breached the planning agreement as defined in section 171A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, by "failing to comply with any condition or limitation subject to which planning permission has been granted."
The previous application made by L3 Harris in 2017 shows that the agreement was for a temporary structure. The previous decision notes that: "2. The temporary side extension hereby permitted shall be permanently removed from the site on or before 5 years from the date of this permission and the land reinstated to its former condition.
"Reason: The structures hereby approved are not considered suitable as a permanent form of development and permission is granted for a temporary period only and to comply with policies CP9 and CP12 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One and TR7, TR14, TR18 and QD14 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan."
These points alone should highlight that this structure is not suitable as a permanent structure, and should be removed.
I also want to disagree with the applicant's statement that if the extension were to be removed, this would cause environmental harms. If they were a responsible business, and genuinely cared, they could easily locate circular economy schemes to support with repurposing these materials. As they are in the business of manufacturing weapons and devices that have been found to be arming conflict in the Middle East, which has a far greater environmental impact on the planet, the argument of environmental harm from the dismantling of this temporary structure is a rather weak one. Please refuse this planning permission